Windows Internal GPS (including Windows 8 and 10)
Note : You do not need an internet connection for the GPS to function.
OziExplorer provides full support for reading the Internal GPS fitted to Windows 8 tablets and laptops.
In Windows 10 - Configuring Windows 10 to use the GPS (settings may vary on different brands of PC)
1. Open Windows "Action Center" usually activated from the bottom right corner of the screen.
(depending on the screen configuration, alternate steps 1-4, (Start / Settings / Privacy / Location - set to ON)
2. From the "Action Center" menu, select the "All Settings" option.
3. From the "All Settings" menu, select the "Privacy (Location, Camera)" option.
4. From the "Privacy / Location" menu, Change and turn "Location" ON.
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to select "Settings"
9. From the "Settings" menu, select the "Network & Internet" option.
10. From the "Network & Internet" select "Airplane Mode"
11. From the "Airplane Mode" settings screen turn on GNSS.
12. Exit out of Action Center
In Windows 8 - Configuring Windows 8 to use the GPS (settings may vary on different brands of PC)
1. Open Windows "Settings" by moving the mouse to the top right corner of the screen to display the pop-out system menu. Select "Settings".
2. From the "Settings" menu, select the "Change PC Settings" option at the bottom of the screen.
3. From the "PC Settings" menu, select the "Wireless" option.
4. From the "Wireless Devices" options, turn "GNSS" ON.
5. From the "PC Settings" menu, select the "Privacy" option.
6. From the "Privacy" options, turn "Let Apps Use My Location" ON. (Windows 8.1 may allow this to be done for each application)
7. Exit the "PC Settings" menu to the Windows Desktop.
8. Repeat step 1 to select "Settings"
9. From the "Settings" menu, select the "Control Panel" option.
10. From the "Control Panel" select the "Location Settings"
11. From the "Location Settings", Turn ON the Windows Location Platform.
12. Exit out of Control Panel
In OziExplorer - Configuring OziExplorer to use the GPS
1. Open Configuration (File Menu / Configuration)
2. Click the GPS tab.
3. On the GPS tab, select the GPS Make = Windows 8 Internal GPS.
4. To connect to the GPS for moving map, click the GPS Communication button on the user toolbar or select the option on the Moving Map Menu.
5. To see if the GPS is obtaining information from the satellites, select the "Show GPS Fix Data" option on the Moving Map menu.