Converting Maps which are in PDF format to images which can be used in OziExplorer

A user has sent us this link to convert pdf's online. We converted a pdf to PNG and it worked fine.

OmniFormat is a free document conversion utility which can be used to convert maps in PDF format to one of the supported image formats.

Note: OmniFormat requires that Pdf995 - also FREE - be installed.

Installation instructions

1. Download and install Pdf995 Free Converter. (OmniFormat cannot be installed without Pdf995 installed first).

1. download and install Pdf995 Printer Driver

2. download and install the free converter.

Get the two Pdf995 downloads from here

3. Download and install OmniFormat

Download Omni Format here

Instructions for using the converter

4. Run OmniFormat (Note: the free version has several advertising popup windows.)

5. Click on Options and change the resolution of the converted image to the required setting - the higher the value the better quality image produced.

6. Click "ok" to close the Options dialog.

7. Select the Output Format PNG format is a good choice.

8. Click the "Start Monitoring" button.

9. Copy the PDF maps to the OmniFormat "watch" folder (C:\Program Files\Omniformat\Watch). Any PDf which is copied to the "Watch" folder will be converted to the selected format.

10. Note: If you want to change the format to another image format, STOP Monitoring first, change the format and Start Monitoring again.

11. After copying the PDF to the Watch folder the conversion process will begin, the converted file will be saved into the Watch folder and the copied PDF will be deleted.