Name Search - the World other than U.S.A.
Download Data Files to be used to create your own Name Search Database for your country.
Two Servers of Geographic Names Data for the World
(Note : data from one of the servers below may be better than the other for your region)
Most Countries Worldwide (EXCLUDING the United States and Antarctica).
Server 1 - GEOnet Names Server (GNS) provides access to the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's (NIMA) database of foreign geographic feature names. The database is the official repository of foreign place-name decisions approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (US BGN). Geographic Area of Coverage: Worldwide excluding the United States and Antarctica. The files are either text files or zip files.
Download GEOnet (GNS) datafiles from here. Use downloaded files to create your own Name Search Database file.
Most Countries Worldwide.
Server 2 - GeoNames geographical database - Data for the World (includes the USA) - GeoNames is integrating geographical data such as names of places in various languages from various sources. All lat/long coordinates are in WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984). The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge. The files are zipped text files.
Download GeoNames datafiles from here. Use downloaded files to create your own Name Search Database file.
You are NOT required to unzip the files, Name Search Creator will do that for you.
Some Name Search Databases for download.
These are Name Search databases which have already been created.
What do I do with these Files? These are .exe files. Run the download file to install the database to the OziExplorer Name Search folder. In OziExplorer, open the Name Search Dialog and use the Load Button to load the database.
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