for Android - Program History |
GPS mapping real time tracking software for Android Devices
1.30 / 1.31
- Fixed issue where Android 8 would not allow reading the GPS
when the App was in the background.
- In later Android versions the title bar above the map was
very large, that has been fixed.
- Added the ability to import waypoints and tracks from GPX
files (see new GPX menu).
- Added the ability to export waypoints to GPX file.
- Added option for solid moving map pointer.
- Other minor fixes.
- Fixed issue with Android 7 no longer allowing reading of
the "root (/)" folder.
- Stopped the crashing when "root (/)" folder selected using the ".. up one
level" option in the folder list.
- Tried to make the sdcard names in the OziExplorer folder list more user
- Added sdcard and storage folder names to root folder and storage folder
lists so they can be selected.
- The actual folder locations and names are not changed, only changed on
the displayed list in OziExplorer.
- Added "Save Track Tail to File" menu option.
- Decreased the odometer sensitivity to stop odometer creep
while stationary.
- Fine tuned the display of waypoints on the map when there
are a lot of waypoints.
- Made some color changes of edit fields on input screens.
- Fixed a few issues.
- Android 6 (Marshmallow) caused a crash when loading ECW map
images - has been fixed
- Android 6 (Marshmallow) changed the name of the external
SD card and this means the OziExplorer Map File path is no longer valid.
OziExplorer now notifies the user that the path is no longer valid and to
set it to the correct path in configuration.
- Added the ability to turn off waypoint dragging in
Waypoint Configuration - the default is OFF. I did this to remove the
accidental activating of waypoint dragging. Improvements should be made to
waypoint dragging in future versions.
1.26 / 1.27
- added new (better design) screen page files (large screen
size only) - old page files are included and can be loaded manually if you
prefer the old ones.
- added waypoint and route waypoint dragging and
edit/delete options by tapping on objects (still needs some work I think)
- turn off GPS Tracking
- double tap on screen near objects
- drag by dragging handle
- double tap handle for menu to edit / delete
- increased the size of system pop-up messages slightly
- increased track tail length to 3000 points
- the options menu (small Android menu on bottom of screen)
is no longer used.
- The options have been moved to the screen or the Main Toolbar
- increased size of the "Back" and "Finish" buttons on top
of menus
- increased the size of text in nearest waypoint list
- the device compass can now be used for the heading
(experimental), turn on in Moving Map configuration
- added drawing of a compass around gps position pointer, turn on in Moving Map
- will add configuration options for color and transparency in next version
- increased number of screen designer parameters to 400
- look ahead for the GPS pointer has been added, configure
in Moving Map configuration
- user pointers added, configure in Moving Map
- map scale increased slightly in size
- route navigation will now start at the nearest route
- max zoom increased to 1000 (for ozf maps only)
- fixed - when changing maps "Image not loaded" would be
displayed and map was not loaded, now fixed - took me a long time to find
this bug
- fixed - text not adjusting size in nearest waypoint list
for high density devices
- fixed - gaps being created between points in track
logging to file
- fixed - most of the random lines in drawing track tail
- fixed - route distance in reverse not showing
- fixed - the button active state colors for all buttons
where necessary
- fixed - Odometer start/stop and reset messages now work
for all odometers
- fixed - bonne map projection
- fixed - track tail color button now changes color to new
setting (after change in configuration)
- fixed - Page menu names in page menu after loading new
page file
- Fixed problem with OziExplorer crashing on certain devices
on startup.
- Fixed problem with the map scale bar not displaying
correctly for "nm / meter" distance unit setting.
- The Kitkat version of Android no longer allows apps to write to the
external sd card.
- OziExplorer now checks if the "Data File Path" you select can be
written to, if not it is not allowed.
- However the "Android/data/OziExplorer.Main/files" folder on the
external sd card can be used as it is owned by OziExplorer.
- CAUTION - all files in this folder will be removed if OziExplorer
is uninstalled.
- It is hoped the next Android version (lollipop) will provide a
solution so developers can use the external SD card.
- Track logs are now stored in a TrackLogs sub-folder under the Data Path.
- Waypoints are now stored in a Waypoints sub-folder under the Data path.
- Increased the number of waypoints from 10000 to 100000.
- The existing waypoint file (waypoints.wba) is converted on first run
to WaypointStore.wba and WaypointSetStore.wbs
- The old waypoints.wba file is renamed to waypoints.wba.old
- The deleting of a waypoint set has been fixed.
- Added more position display formats in waypoint editing.
- Added a map scale, turn on and off in Units configuration, drag the
scale into position on the map.
- Added ability to project a new waypoint from an existing waypoint by
specifying distance and bearing.
- This is done from the waypoint list by pressing on the waypoint to
project from.
- Fixed, waypoints from a gpx file would be located incorrectly if the map
was not wgs84 datum.
- Fixed, under some circumstances the wrong route was loaded from a .rte
- Fixed problem with the first loaded track not showing.
- Fixed problems with changing track properties.
- Fixed problem with wrong waypoint being selected in
waypoint list search.
- Fixed some issues with Bluetooth connected GPS.
- See the help on the web site for details on how to use the
new functions.
- Added direct support for Bluetooth GPS.
- Added ability to specify a .wav file for each waypoint
proximity, the sound is played when your position enters the waypoint
- Added ability to automatically load use tracks form a
folder, all tracks in the folder are loaded as OziExplorer starts.
- The number of user tracks which can be loaded has been
increased to 100 with 100000 points.
- GPX files containing waypoints can be imported, use
Import Waypoint File menu option.
- A display datum, which is used to display positions in
any datum can
now be specified in Units Configuration.
- The waypoint list now has a search function.
- A User Track list has been added and the line color and
width can now be modified for each loaded track.
- Added "Load User track" button to the screen designer.
- Added "Unload All User Tracks" button to screen designer.
- many bug fixes.
- Fixed gaps being created in track tail logging.
- Changed "pinch to zoom" - a pinch now only changes 1 zoom
level at a time.
- Fixed waypoint colors when exported to file.
- Fixed "NM - feet" configuration setting not working
- The Track Tail now plots on top of user tracks.
- Added Track Tail Point Log Distance and Track
File Point Log Distance parameters to configuration.
- These parameters are the maximum distance traveled before a track point is
- Other factors such as direction or speed change also cause track points
to be logged.
- Setting these parameters to low values causes more track point to be
- Example - setting to zero would log all track points.
- I intended to have more features added for this version,
didn't quite get them finished before I had to release.
- Version 1.20 - Fixed problem with loading ozf4 maps.
- Added support for the new ozf4 image format.
- Waypoints now draw in the colors stored in the waypoint
- Added better editing for waypoints
- Edit waypoint Colors
- Edit position in lat/lon or UTM
- Increased the maximum size allowed for
waypoints in waypoint configuration.
- Changed the track logging algorithm to
give a more accurate track.
- Fixed messages not showing in Android 4.
- Added the ETRS89 datum.
- Fixed many small problems.
- Fixed many small problems.
- Now supports both ARM and X86 cpu types. X86 support is
required for those running Android on a PC.
- Fixed major problem of OziExplorer not being able to see
the external sdcard when there is both an internal and external sdcard.
- OziExplorer should now only show the sdcard folders when
using the OziExplorer folder selector (not all the folders on the device).
- Fixed VMG, calculation was not correct.
- Fixed ETE/ETA display for many parameters including
average speed calculations.
- Fixed the min altitude display (was displaying the max
- Fix grid coordinate display, coordinates were correct for
UTM but not other grids, now fixed
- Added French language.
- other minor fixes.
- Added many different languages. If you would like to do a translation see the Translation
page link on the OziExplorer for Android web page.
- Some Android devices report the speed incorrectly - out
by a factor of about 2 - the GPS std nmea sentences report the speed in
knots, android reports it in meters/sec, the conversion between the two is
about a factor of 2, could it be that the programmers who wrote the gps
drivers for these devices did not notice that android requires meters/sec.
OziExplorer will now read a speed factor from a file called
speed_factor.dat, it is a simple text file, the
first line in the file is the speed factor - example 0.5 . The GPS
speed is multiplied by the speed factor. You need to create the speed_factor.dat file
yourself and place it
in the OziExplorer folder on the sdcard.
- Fixed compass not working correctly when bearing unit set
to magnetic.
- Added Czech Language Translation. If you would like to do a translation see the Translation
page link on the OziExplorer for Android web page.
- Added Language Translations - only English and German
available so far. If you would like to do a translation see the Translation
page link on the OziExplorer for Android web page.
- Fixed (mostly) the parameters on the configuration
screens being cut off on the right for narrow screens.
- Fixed error in Route waypoint distance and bearing calculation.
- Fixed Clear Track Tail Button - now works.
- Fixed error in ground height display from SRTM height data.
- Map Find now positions the new map at the same position
as the previous map.
- Fixed bug in editing waypoint positions.
- Waypoint List sort no longer case sensitive.
- Range Rings around current position added - configure on
the Moving Map configuration page.
- Waypoints proximities added - proximity can be added on
waypoint edit page and their display and checking configured on the Waypoint
configuration screen.
- Route Waypoints can now be edited. The Route name can
also be edited.
- SMS position messaging now has the ability to add ID to
start of message (see help).
1.11 / 1.12
- 1.12 - minor bug fix
- Fixed problem with running on Android 4.
- Fixed Irish Grid.
- Some other minor problems have been fixed.
- No major changes at this stage.
- There is no need to uninstall the previous version (unless
it is the very old alpha version).
- This is a major update - there are many changes.
- Please NOTE - the OziExplorer Android ID will change
with this version - however we still check your license against the
old ID as well so it still should work. In
some cases you may need to re-enter your license.
- Press and hold on any button for 2 seconds to have
displayed a hint of what the button does.
- Added screen page file support and released the
OziExplorer for Android Screen Designer to design your own screens.
- Default page files are provided.
- Page files designed using the Screen Designer can be loaded (Note
: OziExplorerCE page files cannot be used).
- A large number of new parameters have been added (too many to
list here) - see the screen designer for the detail.
- Nearest waypoint list has been added.
- Added navigation to waypoint.
- Added navigation along route.
- PC OziExplorer Route files can be used.
- Routes can be created on the device.
- Added a line that is projected ahead along the direction of travel
from your GPS position (options in configuration).
- Find maps at current position added.
- Name Search has been added.
- Added configuration options for the new waypoints, route and
navigation features.
- Added support for different character sets (code pages) in data
files. In configuration General Settings specify the code page that the data
files are expected to be using (normally the character set used by Microsoft
Windows on your PC).
- 3 Odometers added.
- Ability to send and receive positions by SMS.
- Menus and Toolbars (Toolbars are just menus) can be
modified by the user.
- see version 1.10 for changes
- improved memory management, should be better
on the Samsung Galaxy tab and other Honeycomb devices with 1280 x 800
resolution screens.
- improved ECW support.
- added zooms down to 1% (but very slow to
- added low resolution intermediate images for
faster map drawing. A low resolution map image is displayed first, followed by
a medium resolution then the normal resolution.
- fixed waypoint list issues with wrong
waypoint being edited.
- many other minor improvements and bug fixes.
- fixed - if a map was loaded with a different
datum the waypoints and tracks would move.
- fixed - the "Track Tail" was being collected
in the map datum - it is now collected in the WGS 84 datum. The Track Tail
parts collected prior to this version may not plot in the correct location.
This applies only to the track tail not to tracks logged to file.
- fixed - user track drawing now draws all 25
loaded tracks.
- added the ability to automatically reduce
the number of track points in a track as it is loaded using a "smart"
algorithm. This allows more user tracks to be loaded if needed. The track
reduction factor can be configured in track configuration - the higher the
number the more points are removed.
- increased the total user track points which
can be loaded to 30,000.
- tracks can be automatically loaded when
OziExplorer starts by listing the track file names in a file called "TrackLoadList.txt"
- see the help for details.
- fixed - speed unit "knots" not being
- changed map zooms from 100/80/60/40 to
- the OziExplorer screen page can be changed
by swiping the finger quickly in either direction along the bottom of the
screen. This was too sensitive and has been fixed.
- add User grid "User (TM)" to position
- other minor fixes.
- Added geoid correction for GPS altitude.
- Added ability to specify location for Map
File and Data File paths.
- Added MGRS to list of position formats for
coordinate position display.
- Moved configuration files to main memory so
the sdcard can be used in other Android devices running OziExplorer. The
configuration files are extremely small (only a few hundred bytes).
- Added option to restore configuration to
- Added option to download new version apk
file to the sdcard. It can then be installed with an AppInstaller.
- Fixed loading of maps with international
characters in the name.
- Fixed crash if splash screen is touched
during start up.
- many other minor fixes.
- Adjusted font sizes on menus and dialogs.
- Fixed internal problem experienced by some
users - "IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent"
- Fixed issues with deleting waypoints.
- Fixed issues High Density screen devices.
- Startup failing.
- About box and other dialogs.
- Some other cosmetic issues.
- 1st Beta Release
- Numerous fixes and changes.
- Map changing should work better.
- Fixed "forced close" when back button pressed on main
screen - now asks if you want to quit.
- Fixed auto changing to next map.
- Data path is now automatically created if it does not
December 2010 - 1st Alpha 0.1
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